Hi there! Nice to meet you!
I'm Ellen- an American Chinese and a self-proclaimed social commentator. While I was born in Canada, I grew up in America all my life and struggled with an identity crisis: am I American or Chinese? As I got older and wiser, I learned that I'm not one or the other, but simply both! I hope to share my perspective, observations, and experiences with those who had a untraditional American upbringing: a unique blend of two cultures that sometimes clash or work in harmony with one another, just like me!
Feature Bloggings
Feature Submissions
By Shirley Toy
Breaking BarriersDo you following your passions or be that obedient child expected of your parents?
By Kyleen Jan
Healed by Heartbreak*How did your parents eventually find out you were gay?
I met a girl And then? It wasn't meant to be |
Closet Limbo*By Kyleen Jan
When did you know?
I kind of figured out I was gay in high school. Did you come out to your parents then? Not really. It’s complicated... |
This is a website created to satisfy class guidelines and assignments as set forth in English 383: Writing for Digital and New Media, developed and instructed by Dr. Margena A. Christian, at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Spring 2017.
Copyright©2017 Ellen Au, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright©2017 Ellen Au, All Rights Reserved.